Adult Studies Employee Graduates from Business Program

Adult Studies graduate Sandy Aggen with her parents Vera and Ray Wilken at the December 2010 Commencement

Sandy Aggen ’10 graduated from the Adult Studies program at Trinity, receiving her diploma during the Commencement ceremony on December 18, 2010. Aggen is also an employee of the Adult Studies department at the College but never planned to pursue her education when she first came to Trinity in August 2005.

With an associate’s degree from Fox College, she had no expectation of furthering her education. Aggen was inspired and began to rethink her educational future as she observed Lori Scrementi ’00, director of the Adult Studies program, balance her career, her family, and her pursuit of her doctoral degree.

“When I saw that Lori could do it, I thought maybe I could as well,” said Aggen. “Once I mentioned it to her, she was very encouraging. I also had lots of support at home,” said Aggen.  So in September 2008, Aggen entered the Adult Studies business program.

While going through the program, Aggen, who serves as the student relations coordinator in the department, was able to share her first-hand knowledge of the program with prospective students.

“I can really empathize with their obligations of family and work, because I have the same demands on my time. But when they hear that I am able to work through the program, it encourages them,” she said.

With aspirations of teaching college, Aggen took a week off when the program ended in August 2010 and then began a master’s degree program at Gonzaga University. “I feel very prepared for the program. The high expectations at Trinity in reading and writing have served me well in the next level of my education.”

Aggen walked in the graduation ceremony in December 2010 with the rest of her Adult Studies cohort. Her family and co-workers were present to help her celebrate this milestone.