Journey in faith
Campus Ministries
At Trinity, your whole life matters
We believe that college is about more than just gaining head knowledge. A Christian education prioritizes both information and formation. Since God created and loves all of us, God is never done shaping all of us—mind, body, and soul. The Office of Campus Ministries at Trinity Christian College offers a variety of programming for personal and corporate spiritual formation—becoming more like Jesus for the sake of others.
We recognize that everyone is at different places in their faith journeys—and we are here for you wherever you find yourself in your relationship with Jesus Christ and the church. We are excited to walk alongside you as you do life here. College is all about the journey, including your journey of faith, and it is a privilege for us to help you grow closer to Jesus during your time at Trinity.
The Office of Campus Ministries stands ready to offer ongoing support to sustain (and increase!) the
For pastoral care concerns, email
Grow in Faith
We believe that spiritual formation is happening all around us—in dorm rooms, in classrooms, on the athletic fields, and around conference room tables. At Trinity, our discipleship ministries are designed to help students grow to become more like Jesus.
If you are a prospective student and interested in serving in a campus ministry leadership position, click here to learn about applying for a renewable Peer Ministry or Worship Leadership scholarship.
Every Tuesday and Friday 10:40–11:15 AM, our students, faculty, and staff gather in the Ozinga Chapel Auditorium to worship in song and hear God’s Word. Snacks and fellowship follow.

For students, by students.
An hour-long worship service where music leads the way, enriched by Scripture and prayer.

Small Groups
Students can participate in a variety of small groups led by their Spiritual Life Coordinators, student leaders who catalyze opportunities for faith formation in the residence halls and in athletics

Have a Question?
If you have a question or need additional information about how we can help you, please contact
We are here to talk and pray with you.