Business Program Recognized by Colleges of Distinction

Trinity’s Business program has been recognized by Colleges of Distinction based on four key areas: engaged students; great teaching; vibrant communities; and successful outcomes.

Along with the Business program, Colleges of Distinction recognized Trinity in multiple categories for the 2020-21 academic year, including among  Christian colleges and Illinois colleges. Other areas recognized by the organization include:

—Nursing Programs

—Education Programs

—Career Development

“Trinity Christian College has been changing students’ lives since 1959,” Colleges of Distinction noted, citing the individualized attention students receive, along with our extensive network throughout Chicago and dedicated faculty. “Through a Biblically informed liberal arts education, the College community endeavors to provide an environment of Christian integrity and love, enhancing and supporting the entire learning experience.”

In honoring Trinity’s academic programs, the organization noted the stability, practical experience, and dedicated advising and counseling Trinity students receive.

Trinity’s career development work was also praised for its integrated career exploration and preparation; accessible programs and training; and career-centered staff.