Chapel Service: Speaker - Dr. Ben Ribbens

All are welcome to Trinity’s Chapel Services, where we sing, reflect, pray, and fellowship together in community on Fridays.

Featured Speaker: Dr. Ben Ribbens, Associate Professor of Theology


This semester in chapel, we will journey through the book of Exodus under the theme of LIFE IN BETWEEN. We especially feel emotions of Exodus—raw, visceral longing for something better; the confusion and pain of wandering in the wilderness—in this weary season. Among the most salient theme that we find, however, is the “in-betweenness” of Israel. The people of God navigated a liminal space between Egypt and Canaan, and we, too, find ourselves in a tension between the life as we know it and the life that God has promised for us. Using the narratives of Israel’s bondage and deliverance, we will explore how God meets us when we find ourselves between the present life and the promised land.