Students Gain Experience in Business World: Photogallery

Business Presentations: PhotogalleryStudents in the Organizational Consulting course recently presented projects to local organizations and companies who they worked to serve while learning real-world business skills.

According to Vanessa Shropshire, assistant professor of business, the course provides students with an opportunity to integrate their knowledge of previous accounting, business, economics, and ethics courses.

In particular, the students learn to relate the separate disciplines to the macro and micro environments of the industry and business organization.

This year, eight senior teams worked with eight local client businesses and organizations, including: 

Argires Nuts
Bethany Christian Services
Harvest Thrift Store
IMA Calumet
Salina’s Pizza
Simplify with Smith
Triedstone Church
Village of Worth

For the majority of the clients, the students completed tactical communications plans. For the Village of Worth, students completed a survey of residents. Another team implemented a holiday advertising campaign for Argires Nuts. 

Putting their communication skills into practice, the students presented their plans to their clients in December.