30-Hour Famine Raises Awareness on Campus

30 Hour FamineTrinity students recently participated in a 30-hour “famine” planned by Trinity’s Service Committee. Students fasted and let their hunger serve as a reminder to pray for those who are starving around the world.

The Service Committee held this famine to be part of World Vision’s larger “30 Hour Famine” movement. World Vision, a Christian humanitarian group, seeks to help children, families, and communities worldwide by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

Trinity’s group hoped to raise awareness on Trinity’s campus of the problem of global hunger and spent time praying for those affected by hunger.

Kimberly Malinowski ’15 of Peoria, Arizona, helped plan the event and described her 30 hours.

“Although 30 hours doesn’t equate to someone truly suffering from starvation, the hunger makes you contemplate the lives of those who are starving all across the world, reminding you to pray for those people. We truly are blessed, and sometimes we take food and other things for granted.”

To learn more about the movement or organization, visit the website.