Men’s Mental Health Month: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

– Mary (Honey) Mathieu ’27
June is recognized as Men’s Mental Health Month.
Spreading awareness about men’s mental health is critical. Many males struggle in silence despite being worthy of having someone listen to them, and it is easy for men to feel as if they must carry the heavy weight known as mental health alone. The reality, however, is that countless individuals, both male and female, struggle with their mental health despite the stigma. May celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month but June is now designated as Men’s Mental Health Month because this aspect of mental health is not as openly talked about. Starting a conversation about men’s mental health is an important step towards progress. Trinity student, Gabe Wahlsmith, emphasizes the importance of Men’s Mental Health Month by stating, “It is a time for reflection on a subject that people sometimes overlook.” Every individual deserves to feel seen, heard, and supported not only in June but year-round.
Trinity offers numerous wellness initiatives. Wellbeing Wednesdays are unique to the college and allow students to spend Wednesdays taking care of themselves instead of attending classes. Some students use this day to catch up on sleep, socialize with friends, or pursue their hobbies. Others choose to improve their financial wellness by working either paid internships through Trinity’s Co-op experience or an on-campus job. Free yoga and mindfulness classes are also offered throughout the year to help students become the healthiest version of themselves. Through intramurals and other team sports, students can exercise while bonding with their peers. By taking care of one’s physical health, mental health also becomes prioritized. Spiritual well-being is further addressed on campus through worship nights, chapel services, and bible studies. These wellness activities emphasize Trinity’s focus on nurturing the whole person which allows students to learn how to best care for themselves in all areas of their lives.
If you are struggling with your mental health or know someone who is, please reach out. You are loved and deserve to feel that love. Know that it is okay to not be okay. Asking for help is one of the strongest things you will ever do.
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988