Campus Oasis Leadership Opportunities

Campus Oasis Leadership Opportunities

Time Requirements

President: 10 hours per week
VP of Communication: 8 hours per week
VP of Administration: 8 hours per week

Team Size

1 President
1 VP of Communication
1 VP of Administration

Here’s our mission—and how you can fit into it!

As a part of the Christian Learning community of Trinity Christian College, our mission as Oasis is to promote the safety and belonging of LGBTQ+ students while also forming connections with allies of the community.

Oasis is happy to welcome friends, allies, and members of the LGBTQ+ Community, and would like to establish that nothing about your sexuality or gender identity is assumed by your presence. We want this to be a space of safety and freedom.

These are the leadership positions offered for Campus Oasis:

  • Oasis President
  • Oasis VP of Communication
  • Oasis VP of Administration

Oasis President

The Oasis President will be responsible for communication and collaboration with other campus groups/people, facilitation of executive team meetings, connecting with any outside speakers, and transition of executive team between years.

Vice President of Communication

The Oasis Vice President for Communication will be responsible for creating social media posts, advertising events, and producing posters/other Marketing materials for the group as well as create informal spaces of gathering and individualized outreach to students. The overall goal of this role to is communicate what Oasis is to the general campus community and build spaces for connection.

Vice President of Administration

The Oasis Vice President for Administration will be responsible for curating and organizing resources for the student body, reserving spaces for events & meetings, taking notes at meetings, collecting/organizing supplies, setting up events, closing the year/yearly transition, and managing the budget.


For more information about these positions or Oasis as an organization, please contact these mentors.