Update from the Vice President of Student Life, Becky Starkenburg, March 19, 2021


COVID Testing is going very well at the new testing center on campus, with no positive tests in our samples so far. Your efforts to mask up, keep distance, screen your symptoms every day is working. Keep it up!

Emails went out again to students today for testing slots next week. I hope you are hearing from students that it is a really easy process and takes just a few minutes to get tested. Testing is the MOST effective when everyone participates. Be sure to follow directions if you get an email from COVIDTesting@trnty.edu.

A few questions have come up from students regarding the COVID Testing program:

Do I need to red screen if I am getting tested?

You should only red screen if you are being tested due to illness or exposure. If you are being tested out of precaution, you do not red screen. #CampusClear buttons are updated to reflect this.

Do I test if I’ve been vaccinated?

Yes, for now we’ve been advised by the Illinois Department of Public Health to test even if an individual is vaccinated.

Who is getting selected to test?

We are starting with residential students, working alphabetically down the list. You may be a random selection from the residential population OR you may be part of a major or program that is testing, starting with traditional undergraduates. Regardless, you’ll get an email the week before, follow directions and sign up for a slot. If you absolutely can’t make it work, then let the COVID Testing Center know, and they will work you into the next week’s appointments.

Why should I get tested? 

  • Random, mass screening helps to identify people who do not have symptoms (asymptomatic) but are COVID positive. Finding asymptomatic cases STOPS the spread of COVID
  • We don’t want to get blindsided if COVID cases begin to increase.
  • To win freebies! Freebies?  Yes Freebies! For every 25% of those who follow up weekly with the notification to test a prize will be given.  25% = 1 prize, 50% = 2 prizes, 100% = 4 free prizes!
  • We will be able to reduce restrictions as we increase testing – more to come on that next week!

A point of information about COVID Care:

If you do get ill and have to miss class, your professor may ask for a screen shot of your red screen OR your release email from COVIDCare@trnty.edu.

VP Starkenburg

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