Dr. Lenore Knight Johnson

Professor of Sociology and Honors Program Director


Ph.D., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 2010
M.A., Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 2005
B.A., North Park University, Chicago, Illinois, 1996

Associated Academic Programs


“Sociology, at its core, recognizes that individuals are always and everywhere connected to each other and to our broader culture.”

Dr. Lenore Knight Johnson decided to pursue sociology academically and professionally after several valuable cross-cultural experiences. “Studying abroad as an undergraduate student opened my eyes to a much broader outlook on the world, a perspective that expanded significantly through my post-college work in refugee resettlement and immigrant advocacy,” she said.

“In my Ph.D. program, I had the opportunity to blend my academic interests with my social service background through a community based research fellowship, which expanded my interest in teaching as a means of promoting positive social change and building a good society.”

What drew her to Trinity?

Johnson deeply appreciates the collegial environment at Trinity and the sense of shared commitment to the liberal arts. “The students are curious and engaged, seeking ways to broaden their own perspectives.”

Research interests:

Her research concentrates on the relationship between work, family, gender, and religious life. “I have focused significant attention studying work-life integration among clergy families, exploring the ways pastors and spouses navigate ministry as vocation alongside family life, home, friendships, career, personal faith, and identity. I am also interested in the intersections between gender and religious leadership, studying the inclusion of clergywomen in an evangelical denomination, and am developing a new project on race and social justice oriented Christians.”

When she’s not teaching:

Johnson lives on the north side of Chicago and loves exploring the city’s neighborhoods with her husband Aaron and son Elijah. “I also enjoy cooking and running and I love to read both fiction and nonfiction.”


Gender Studies
Power, Privilege, and Inequality
Principles of Sociology
Sociology of Congregations

Sociology of Religion
Sociology of Social Problems
Theories of Society

Papers Published and/or Presented

Knight Johnson, Lenore M. 2017. Four Decades Later: Credentialed Clergywomen in the Evangelical Covenant Church. Covenant Quarterly. 75: 1.

Johnson, Lenore M. Knight. 2013. When Balance Isn’t Enough: Working Toward an Integrated Life. The Covenant Companion.

Johnson, Lenore M. Knight. 2013. Weaving Work, Family, and Faith. Curriculum written for the Evangelical Covenant Church of America.

Johnson, Lenore M. Knight. 2012. Models of Clergy Spouse Involvement in Protestant Christian Congregations. Review of Religious Research. 54: 1.

Johnson, Lenore, Sharma, Aparna and Van Zytveld, David. 2006. Transforming Vision into Action: An Evaluation of the Wireless Community Network. Research Publications, Center for Urban Research and Learning. Loyola University Chicago. http://www.luc.edu/curl/pdfs/cnt.pdf

+ Expertise

Dr. Lenore Knight Johnson decided to pursue sociology academically and professionally after several valuable cross-cultural experiences. “Studying abroad as an undergraduate student opened my eyes to a much broader outlook on the world, a perspective that expanded significantly through my post-college work in refugee resettlement and immigrant advocacy,” she said.

“In my Ph.D. program, I had the opportunity to blend my academic interests with my social service background through a community based research fellowship, which expanded my interest in teaching as a means of promoting positive social change and building a good society.”

What drew her to Trinity?

Johnson deeply appreciates the collegial environment at Trinity and the sense of shared commitment to the liberal arts. “The students are curious and engaged, seeking ways to broaden their own perspectives.”

Research interests:

Her research concentrates on the relationship between work, family, gender, and religious life. “I have focused significant attention studying work-life integration among clergy families, exploring the ways pastors and spouses navigate ministry as vocation alongside family life, home, friendships, career, personal faith, and identity. I am also interested in the intersections between gender and religious leadership, studying the inclusion of clergywomen in an evangelical denomination, and am developing a new project on race and social justice oriented Christians.”

When she’s not teaching:

Johnson lives on the north side of Chicago and loves exploring the city’s neighborhoods with her husband Aaron and son Elijah. “I also enjoy cooking and running and I love to read both fiction and nonfiction.”

+ Courses, Publications & Research


Gender Studies
Power, Privilege, and Inequality
Principles of Sociology
Sociology of Congregations

Sociology of Religion
Sociology of Social Problems
Theories of Society

Papers Published and/or Presented

Knight Johnson, Lenore M. 2017. Four Decades Later: Credentialed Clergywomen in the Evangelical Covenant Church. Covenant Quarterly. 75: 1.

Johnson, Lenore M. Knight. 2013. When Balance Isn’t Enough: Working Toward an Integrated Life. The Covenant Companion.

Johnson, Lenore M. Knight. 2013. Weaving Work, Family, and Faith. Curriculum written for the Evangelical Covenant Church of America.

Johnson, Lenore M. Knight. 2012. Models of Clergy Spouse Involvement in Protestant Christian Congregations. Review of Religious Research. 54: 1.

Johnson, Lenore, Sharma, Aparna and Van Zytveld, David. 2006. Transforming Vision into Action: An Evaluation of the Wireless Community Network. Research Publications, Center for Urban Research and Learning. Loyola University Chicago. http://www.luc.edu/curl/pdfs/cnt.pdf