Dr. Mario Guzmán

Associate Professor of Psychology


Ph.D., Michoacan University of San Nicolas of Hidalgo, Michoacán, Mexico, 2015
Master's Degree in Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, Mexican Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, México, D.F., 2009
Master in Analytical Psychology, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain, 2002
Licentiate in Psychology, Autonoumus University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2000

“Psychology studies both the adversities and the positives of life and the impact that they have on mental health. Therefore, it is necessary that we see that both opposite sides are part of the human experience and that it is in the balance of those two extremes that human flourishment can be found.”

Dr. Mario Guzmán’s experience with a psychologist at a young age had a life-long impact on him. “I found the idea of understanding human behavior and human flourishing fascinating. Now after more than 20 years of studying and working in psychology, I can see that the knowledge that we have is not conclusive, that we don’t have ‘ultimate’ truths, but that our understanding and appreciation of human behavior is in constant progress and process.”

His wish is that his students can see that psychology is part of human knowledge and involves seeking answers about our nature and development. “But I also wish that they can see that knowledge and wisdom need to be constantly cultivated through study, life, and sharing with others. And I hope to promote the idea that faith and science don’t need to be separate or in a constant combat, but that both can enrich the other in ways to better understand the human experience and our relationship with God.”

What drew him to Trinity:

Guzmán was drawn to the College because of its spirit of integrating and appreciating faith and science under the same roof. “Christianity and science have many things in common but especially the attitude of constant search and the disposition to share with others what we have received.”

Research interests:

Guzmán’s research focuses on several areas, including evidence-based treatment in psychotherapy, especially those from the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy perspective. “I’m also interested in human flourishing and overcoming difficulties in life, such as post-traumatic growth, resilience, and meaning and purpose in life.” Another involves psychology and religion. “I consider religion and its narrative a powerful expression of both, the relationship between God and men, but also as a deep teaching on human psychology.” He is also researching his growing interest in immigration, adaptation, and flourishing.

All these areas are influenced by his strong Christian vocation. “The Beatitudes in Matthew 5: 1- 12 are the instructions for all Christians to transform the world, so my research interest is based on those instructions and how science and faith can work together to make them possible.”

When he’s not teaching:

Guzmán works with the Hispanic community providing parenting seminars and lectures, as well as working with clients, writing, and research. “I also love to spend time with my wife and three kids. I enjoy jogging and doing artistic and cultural activities.”


Lifespan Development
Counseling Theory and Methods II
Personal Growth
Psychology Capstone


  • Guzmán-Sescosse M, (2023). La relación terapeuta-paciente como elemento clave en la terapia cognitivo conductual [The therapist-patient relationship as a key element in cognitive behavioral therapy.] Revista De Psicoterapia, 34(126), 189–204. https://doi.org/10.5944/rdp.v34i126.38036
  • Guzmán-Sescosse M, Galán-Jiménez JSF & Calderón-Mafud JL (2023). Bienestar psicológico, salud mental y pautas percibidas de apego: estudio comparativo entre mexicanos y estadounidenses durante la pandemia COVID 19 [Psychological Well-Being, Mental Health and Patterns of Perceived Attachment: A Comparative Study between Mexicans and Americans during the COVID 19 Pandemic]. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 23, 1, 67-78. https://www.ijpsy.com/volumen23/num1/631.html
  • F. Galán Jiménez, J. S., Calderón Mafud, J. L., Sánchez-Armáss Cappello Omar & Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2022) Contextos violentos y desensibilización a la violencia en jóvenes. [Violent contexts and desensitization to violence in young people] Acta de Investigación Psicológica/Psychological Research Records, 12, 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/fpsi.20074719e.2022.3.458 https://www.psicologia.unam.mx/documentos/pdf/actas_ip/2022/diciembre/1_violencia_f_copy.pdf
  • Galán Jiménez, J. S., Calderón Mafud, J. L., Sánchez-Armáss Cappello Omar & Guzmán Sescosse, M. (In press) Contextos violentos y desensibilización a la violencia en jóvenes. [Violent contexts and desensitization to violence in young people] Acta de Investigación Psicológica/Psychologycal Research Records
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M., Galán Jiménez, J. S. & Calderón Mafud, J. L. (2022) Bienestar psicológico, salud mental y pautas de apego: estudio comparativo mexicanos y estadounidenses durante pandemia [Psychological well-being, mental health, and attachment patterns: a comparative study of Mexicans and Americans during a pandemic] [Manuscrito sin publicar/Unpublished manuscript] Departamentos de Psicología, Trinity Christian College, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí & Universidad de Colima.
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2021) Lucas 24; veinticuatro días, veinticuatro capítulos. [Luke 24; twenty four days, twenty four chapters] Chicago: Seeds Family Services librolucas24.com
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2020) La Transformación del Adolescente; Guía para padres y profesionistas de adolescentes. [The Transformation of the Adolescent; A guide for parents and professionals of adolescents] 2da Edición. Chicago: Seeds Family Services latransformaciondeladolescente.com
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2018) La Transformación del Adolescente; Guía para padres y profesionistas de adolescentes. [The Transformation of the Adolescent; A guide for parents and professionals of adolescents] Sevilla: Universo de Letras
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2018) La promoción del autocuidado en el adolescente. [The promotion of self-care in adolescents] En: E., Camacho & C. Vega (Coords) Autocuidado de la Salud II (pp 29-44) Guadalajara: Manual Moderno https://publicaciones.iteso.mx/libro/autocuidado-de-la-salud-ii_94897/
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. Padrós Blazquez F (2018) Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth After PTSD. Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-guest-room/201809/promoting-post-traumatic-growth-after-ptsd
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. Padrós Blazquez F, Laca Arocena F & Garcia Campos T (2018). A Pilot Study of Posttraumatic Growth Trainning for Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. International Journal of Psychology &Psychological Therapy, 18, 2, 235-246.   https://www.ijpsy.com/volumen18/num2/493.html
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M., Padrós, F., García, T. y Laca, F. (2015) Intervenciones psicológicas basadas en la evidencia para el trastorno por estrés postraumático. [Evidence-based psychological interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder] Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala. 18 (3) http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/52691
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M., Padrós, F., García, T. y Laca, F. (2014) Modelos cognitivo conductuales del trastorno por estrés postraumático. [Cognitive behavioral models of posttraumatic stress disorder ] Uaricha, 11(25), 35-54 http://www.revistauaricha.umich.mx/ojs_uaricha/index.php/urp/article/view/63
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2014) El autocuidado del adulto medio. [The self-care of the middle adult] En: E., Camacho & C. Vega (Coords) Autocuidado de la Salud (pp ) Guadalajara: ITESO https://www.amazon.com/Autocuidado-salud-Spanish-Claudia-Michel-ebook/dp/B00MY9W4FY
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2002) Una mirada a certes ombres de la nostra cultura per entreveure llums de futur” [A look at certain shadows of our culture to glimpse the lights of the future] ALOMA, 10, 95-98. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=250645
  • Constant writer for Seeds Family Services blog: http://www.seedsfamilyservices.com/blog/
  • Personal Blog: https://www.drmarioguzman.com/blog-1
  • Author of the online seminar “La Transformación del Adolescente” published on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/latransformaciondeladolescente/
  • Descifrando Laberintos: https://anchor.fm/dr-mario-guzman


  • Galán Jiménez, J. S., Guzmán Sescosse, M. & Calderón Mafud, J. L. (18 al 20 de mayo de 2022) Pandemia: pautas de apego percibidas durante la infancia, depresión, ansiedad, estrés y bienestar psicológico.[ Pandemic: perceived attachment patterns during childhood, depression, anxiety, stress and psychological well-being] [Sesión de conferencia/ Conference session]  ] XVIII Coloquio de la Red Multirregional de Calidad en Posgrados de Psicología. Mérida, Yucatán, México https://www.facebook.com/face.uady/videos/1362987597510667
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M (2019) Introducción a la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual y a la Terapia de Esquemas. [Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Schema Therapy.] 1er Coloquio Internacional en Práctica Clínica Psicológica para la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí y el Colegio de Psicólogos de San Luis.
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M (2016) Eficacia de un tratamiento coadyuvante en entrenamiento en crecimiento postraumático para el TEPT. [Efficacy of a coadjuvant treatment in post-traumatic growth training for PTSD] Making Academic Connections Trough Community Experiences.
  • Guzmán, M. (2014) Intervención Cognitivo Conductual Para el Maltrato y Acoso Escolar. [Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for School Abuse and Bullying.] IV Congreso Nacional de Psicología. México (2014)
  • Guzmán, M. (2013) Taller de Intervención Cognitivo Conductual del Acoso y Maltrato Escolar. [Workshop on Cognitive Behavioral Intervention of Harassment and School Abuse] VIII Congreso Internacional de Salud Mental. México (2013)
  • Guzmán, M., Padrós, F., Laca, F., García T (2013) Evaluación de un Tratamiento Cognitivo Conductual con Entrenamiento en Crecimiento Postraumático para el Trastorno por Estrés Postraumático. [Evaluation of a Cognitive Behavioral Treatment with Posttraumatic Growth Training for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.] IV Congreso Internacional; La Investigación en el Posgrado.
  • Guzmán, M. Peña Díaz, J. Robles, R y Padrós, F (2013) Diagnóstico Descriptivo del Acoso Escolar en Alumnos de Primaria Mayor de una Institución Educativa. [Descriptive Diagnosis of Bullying in Primary School Students of an Educational Institution.] XXI Congreso Mexicano de Psicología
  • Guzmán, M. Peña Díaz, J. Robles, R y Padrós, F (2013) Evaluación del Bullying y Propuesta de Intervención Cognitivo Conductual en una Institución Educativa. [Evaluation of Bullying and Proposal for Cognitive Behavioral Intervention in an Educational Institution.] VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Psicología de la Salud. México
  • Guzmán, M., (2013) Bullying: Causas y Consecuencias. [Bullying: Causes and Consequences.] VIII Jornadas Académicas de Aniversario Salud Mental. México
  • Guzmán, M. (2005) Ap. 12, Diálogo Entre Exégesis Y Psicología. [Ap. 12, Dialogue Between Exegesis And Psychology.] Ponencia en el marco del VIII Encuentro del RIFREM.
  • Diálogo Entre Exégesis Y Psicología. Ponencia en el marco del VIII Encuentro del RIFREM.
  • Winner of the Dr. Santiago Cendejas Huerta Prize for Postgraduate Thesis 2016 in the Field of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences, granted by Michoacan Academy for Science
+ Expertise

Dr. Mario Guzmán’s experience with a psychologist at a young age had a life-long impact on him. “I found the idea of understanding human behavior and human flourishing fascinating. Now after more than 20 years of studying and working in psychology, I can see that the knowledge that we have is not conclusive, that we don’t have ‘ultimate’ truths, but that our understanding and appreciation of human behavior is in constant progress and process.”

His wish is that his students can see that psychology is part of human knowledge and involves seeking answers about our nature and development. “But I also wish that they can see that knowledge and wisdom need to be constantly cultivated through study, life, and sharing with others. And I hope to promote the idea that faith and science don’t need to be separate or in a constant combat, but that both can enrich the other in ways to better understand the human experience and our relationship with God.”

What drew him to Trinity:

Guzmán was drawn to the College because of its spirit of integrating and appreciating faith and science under the same roof. “Christianity and science have many things in common but especially the attitude of constant search and the disposition to share with others what we have received.”

Research interests:

Guzmán’s research focuses on several areas, including evidence-based treatment in psychotherapy, especially those from the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy perspective. “I’m also interested in human flourishing and overcoming difficulties in life, such as post-traumatic growth, resilience, and meaning and purpose in life.” Another involves psychology and religion. “I consider religion and its narrative a powerful expression of both, the relationship between God and men, but also as a deep teaching on human psychology.” He is also researching his growing interest in immigration, adaptation, and flourishing.

All these areas are influenced by his strong Christian vocation. “The Beatitudes in Matthew 5: 1- 12 are the instructions for all Christians to transform the world, so my research interest is based on those instructions and how science and faith can work together to make them possible.”

When he’s not teaching:

Guzmán works with the Hispanic community providing parenting seminars and lectures, as well as working with clients, writing, and research. “I also love to spend time with my wife and three kids. I enjoy jogging and doing artistic and cultural activities.”

+ Courses, Publications & Research


Lifespan Development
Counseling Theory and Methods II
Personal Growth
Psychology Capstone


  • Guzmán-Sescosse M, (2023). La relación terapeuta-paciente como elemento clave en la terapia cognitivo conductual [The therapist-patient relationship as a key element in cognitive behavioral therapy.] Revista De Psicoterapia, 34(126), 189–204. https://doi.org/10.5944/rdp.v34i126.38036
  • Guzmán-Sescosse M, Galán-Jiménez JSF & Calderón-Mafud JL (2023). Bienestar psicológico, salud mental y pautas percibidas de apego: estudio comparativo entre mexicanos y estadounidenses durante la pandemia COVID 19 [Psychological Well-Being, Mental Health and Patterns of Perceived Attachment: A Comparative Study between Mexicans and Americans during the COVID 19 Pandemic]. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 23, 1, 67-78. https://www.ijpsy.com/volumen23/num1/631.html
  • F. Galán Jiménez, J. S., Calderón Mafud, J. L., Sánchez-Armáss Cappello Omar & Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2022) Contextos violentos y desensibilización a la violencia en jóvenes. [Violent contexts and desensitization to violence in young people] Acta de Investigación Psicológica/Psychological Research Records, 12, 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/fpsi.20074719e.2022.3.458 https://www.psicologia.unam.mx/documentos/pdf/actas_ip/2022/diciembre/1_violencia_f_copy.pdf
  • Galán Jiménez, J. S., Calderón Mafud, J. L., Sánchez-Armáss Cappello Omar & Guzmán Sescosse, M. (In press) Contextos violentos y desensibilización a la violencia en jóvenes. [Violent contexts and desensitization to violence in young people] Acta de Investigación Psicológica/Psychologycal Research Records
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M., Galán Jiménez, J. S. & Calderón Mafud, J. L. (2022) Bienestar psicológico, salud mental y pautas de apego: estudio comparativo mexicanos y estadounidenses durante pandemia [Psychological well-being, mental health, and attachment patterns: a comparative study of Mexicans and Americans during a pandemic] [Manuscrito sin publicar/Unpublished manuscript] Departamentos de Psicología, Trinity Christian College, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí & Universidad de Colima.
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2021) Lucas 24; veinticuatro días, veinticuatro capítulos. [Luke 24; twenty four days, twenty four chapters] Chicago: Seeds Family Services librolucas24.com
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2020) La Transformación del Adolescente; Guía para padres y profesionistas de adolescentes. [The Transformation of the Adolescent; A guide for parents and professionals of adolescents] 2da Edición. Chicago: Seeds Family Services latransformaciondeladolescente.com
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2018) La Transformación del Adolescente; Guía para padres y profesionistas de adolescentes. [The Transformation of the Adolescent; A guide for parents and professionals of adolescents] Sevilla: Universo de Letras
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2018) La promoción del autocuidado en el adolescente. [The promotion of self-care in adolescents] En: E., Camacho & C. Vega (Coords) Autocuidado de la Salud II (pp 29-44) Guadalajara: Manual Moderno https://publicaciones.iteso.mx/libro/autocuidado-de-la-salud-ii_94897/
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. Padrós Blazquez F (2018) Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth After PTSD. Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-guest-room/201809/promoting-post-traumatic-growth-after-ptsd
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. Padrós Blazquez F, Laca Arocena F & Garcia Campos T (2018). A Pilot Study of Posttraumatic Growth Trainning for Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. International Journal of Psychology &Psychological Therapy, 18, 2, 235-246.   https://www.ijpsy.com/volumen18/num2/493.html
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M., Padrós, F., García, T. y Laca, F. (2015) Intervenciones psicológicas basadas en la evidencia para el trastorno por estrés postraumático. [Evidence-based psychological interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder] Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala. 18 (3) http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/52691
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M., Padrós, F., García, T. y Laca, F. (2014) Modelos cognitivo conductuales del trastorno por estrés postraumático. [Cognitive behavioral models of posttraumatic stress disorder ] Uaricha, 11(25), 35-54 http://www.revistauaricha.umich.mx/ojs_uaricha/index.php/urp/article/view/63
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2014) El autocuidado del adulto medio. [The self-care of the middle adult] En: E., Camacho & C. Vega (Coords) Autocuidado de la Salud (pp ) Guadalajara: ITESO https://www.amazon.com/Autocuidado-salud-Spanish-Claudia-Michel-ebook/dp/B00MY9W4FY
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M. (2002) Una mirada a certes ombres de la nostra cultura per entreveure llums de futur” [A look at certain shadows of our culture to glimpse the lights of the future] ALOMA, 10, 95-98. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=250645
  • Constant writer for Seeds Family Services blog: http://www.seedsfamilyservices.com/blog/
  • Personal Blog: https://www.drmarioguzman.com/blog-1
  • Author of the online seminar “La Transformación del Adolescente” published on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/latransformaciondeladolescente/
  • Descifrando Laberintos: https://anchor.fm/dr-mario-guzman


  • Galán Jiménez, J. S., Guzmán Sescosse, M. & Calderón Mafud, J. L. (18 al 20 de mayo de 2022) Pandemia: pautas de apego percibidas durante la infancia, depresión, ansiedad, estrés y bienestar psicológico.[ Pandemic: perceived attachment patterns during childhood, depression, anxiety, stress and psychological well-being] [Sesión de conferencia/ Conference session]  ] XVIII Coloquio de la Red Multirregional de Calidad en Posgrados de Psicología. Mérida, Yucatán, México https://www.facebook.com/face.uady/videos/1362987597510667
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M (2019) Introducción a la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual y a la Terapia de Esquemas. [Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Schema Therapy.] 1er Coloquio Internacional en Práctica Clínica Psicológica para la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí y el Colegio de Psicólogos de San Luis.
  • Guzmán Sescosse, M (2016) Eficacia de un tratamiento coadyuvante en entrenamiento en crecimiento postraumático para el TEPT. [Efficacy of a coadjuvant treatment in post-traumatic growth training for PTSD] Making Academic Connections Trough Community Experiences.
  • Guzmán, M. (2014) Intervención Cognitivo Conductual Para el Maltrato y Acoso Escolar. [Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for School Abuse and Bullying.] IV Congreso Nacional de Psicología. México (2014)
  • Guzmán, M. (2013) Taller de Intervención Cognitivo Conductual del Acoso y Maltrato Escolar. [Workshop on Cognitive Behavioral Intervention of Harassment and School Abuse] VIII Congreso Internacional de Salud Mental. México (2013)
  • Guzmán, M., Padrós, F., Laca, F., García T (2013) Evaluación de un Tratamiento Cognitivo Conductual con Entrenamiento en Crecimiento Postraumático para el Trastorno por Estrés Postraumático. [Evaluation of a Cognitive Behavioral Treatment with Posttraumatic Growth Training for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.] IV Congreso Internacional; La Investigación en el Posgrado.
  • Guzmán, M. Peña Díaz, J. Robles, R y Padrós, F (2013) Diagnóstico Descriptivo del Acoso Escolar en Alumnos de Primaria Mayor de una Institución Educativa. [Descriptive Diagnosis of Bullying in Primary School Students of an Educational Institution.] XXI Congreso Mexicano de Psicología
  • Guzmán, M. Peña Díaz, J. Robles, R y Padrós, F (2013) Evaluación del Bullying y Propuesta de Intervención Cognitivo Conductual en una Institución Educativa. [Evaluation of Bullying and Proposal for Cognitive Behavioral Intervention in an Educational Institution.] VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Psicología de la Salud. México
  • Guzmán, M., (2013) Bullying: Causas y Consecuencias. [Bullying: Causes and Consequences.] VIII Jornadas Académicas de Aniversario Salud Mental. México
  • Guzmán, M. (2005) Ap. 12, Diálogo Entre Exégesis Y Psicología. [Ap. 12, Dialogue Between Exegesis And Psychology.] Ponencia en el marco del VIII Encuentro del RIFREM.
  • Diálogo Entre Exégesis Y Psicología. Ponencia en el marco del VIII Encuentro del RIFREM.
+ Awards & Memberships
  • Winner of the Dr. Santiago Cendejas Huerta Prize for Postgraduate Thesis 2016 in the Field of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences, granted by Michoacan Academy for Science