And the Survey Says… Results Are Reason to Celebrate

Students studying outdoorsThe quality of a college can be measured in many ways. One of the most important—and telling—is feedback from students.

After reviewing the results of the recent Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI), Trinity celebrates that, in many key categories, students indicate they are highly satisfied with their experience at Trinity.

The SSI, administered every four years, provides a comparison of Trinity to other four-year private institutions. Students expressed higher satisfaction than students at those institutions and identified specific items as positive attributes of the College.

Here are some examples of the survey statements that received high satisfaction rankings by our students:

Academic Major—The first step in preparing for a career or calling

  • There is a commitment to academic excellence on this campus.
  • My academic advisor is concerned about my success as an individual.
  • There are adequate services to help me decide upon a career.
  • My academic advisor is knowledgeable about requirements in my major.

Faculty—Over and over, students note the invaluable mentor relationships with professors

  • Faculty care about me as an individual.
  • Faculty are usually available after class and during office hours.

Value—A popular topic today, especially among families considering investing in a college education

  • Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment.
  • Adequate financial aid is available for most students.

Community—One of the most important aspects of the college experience

  • This institution shows concern for students as individuals.
  • Students are made to feel welcome on this campus.
  • The campus staff is caring and helpful.
  • The intercollegiate athletic programs contribute to a strong sense of school spirit.
  • There are a sufficient number of weekend activities for students.

The College celebrates these results and will continue to nurture and support all aspects of its students’ higher education experience.