Join Us for Chapel During the Spring Semester

Jan 10, 2022

At Trinity, we have the opportunity to come together twice a week for in-person Chapel services on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10:10 am in the Ozinga Chapel Auditorium.

Said Campus Pastor Rev. Ben Snoek, “In worship, all of us—students, faculty, and staff—have the amazing privilege to pause our weeks and orient our lives together as a Trinity community toward Christ. Just as we study, practice, eat, and train together, we also get to experience the joy of worshiping together.”

Snoek will serve as the speaker for the semester’s first Chapel on Wednesday, Jan. 12. Pres. Kurt Dykstra will speak at Chapel on Friday, Jan. 14.

Throughout the spring semester, Chapel speakers will journey through the book of Exodus under the theme of “Life in Between,” as we especially feel emotions of Exodus—raw, visceral longing for something better; the confusion and pain of wandering in the wilderness—in this weary season.

The Chapel schedule is always available on the Trinity website, where you will also be able to access our chapel message podcast on Anchor and Spotify.