Trinity Names Five as Founders’ Scholars

For every incoming class, our Founders’ Scholars stand apart even amongst their exceptional peers. Normally, Trinity designates two incoming freshmen to receive the prestigious, full-tuition Founders’ Scholarships. Yet thanks to the generosity of our donor community, Trinity has been able to designate five Founders for the Class of 2026.
These five students demonstrated outstanding spiritual, academic, and social leadership:
- Carvel Anderson
- Caitlin Haverdink
- Mia Musick
- Grace Steenwyk
- Anika Wicker
Carvel Anderson, a native of Chicago, is a representative in student government at George Washington High School and a member of the Black Student Union. The future elementary education major also served as a Mikva Summer Fellow, where he interned with an elected official. Anderson has also been named a Diversity Scholar with Trinity.
A native of Hudsonville, Mich., where she attends Unity Christian High School, Caitlin Haverdink plans to earn a Bachelor of Social Work degree from Trinity. She has been involved with golf, musical theater, and service projects. Haverdink also participates in the Spiritual Leadership Team at her school and with the praise team and nursey at her church.
Mia Musick, who attends Fisher Junior-Senior High School in Fisher, Ill., is considering majoring in psychology or social work. She is currently involved in student government and the National Honor Society at her high school and also plays the saxophone. One of five girls, she also competes in sports and serves as an FCA group leader. Musick is also a member of the gospel choir and preschool volunteer at her church.
Grace Steenwyk attends Zeeland East High School in Zeeland, Mich., where she plays volleyball and soccer. She plans to continue her volleyball career as a Trinity Troll, as well as to participate in Trinity’s Honors Program. She is currently involved in the National Honor Society and student leadership. Steenwyk plans to major in psychology.
Anika Wicker grew up traveling the world with her parents, Lloyd ’97 and Heidi (Boeck) ’98, as her father serves as a Navy Chaplain. Wicker has participated in the Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) for four years and is currently a commanding officer. Wicker, who is planning to major in special education, plays piano and guitar and sings, and advocates against human trafficking through the Dressember Foundation.
Trinity is excited to welcome these newest Founders’ Scholars to campus this fall! Said Professor of Communication Arts and Co-Director of the Honors Program Craig Mattson, Ph.D., “Hearing about our new Founders is electric. I watched these people doing collaborative problem-solving in high-stakes conditions. They are extraordinary.”