Helping You Transition
from College to the World

The Cooper Center: Services

We are eager to help you prepare for your next transition, whether full-time employment after graduating, graduate school, or a completely new career as an alum. To help you prepare, navigate, and flourish, we offer the following services:

Career & Vocational Counseling

We are happy work through questions about majors and minors, questions about what field or career could be explored within a particular major or minor, or questions about whether to go into graduate school or the workforce after graduation, to name a few. We will also help you to think more broadly about your own sense of vocation and the areas of engagement and service you feel called to beyond work.

Résumé and Cover Letter Reviews

We can offer guidelines about how to put together a résumé or cover letter if you are just starting out, help you update your résumé for internships and summer jobs during your years at Trinity, or help you polish your résumé for your first job hunt after graduation.

In addition, we’ll help with any other relevant application materials including references, letters of recommendation, and graduate school admissions essays.


At times, it is helpful for some students to take an assessment to help find out where their strengths lie, narrow down a degree decision, and target a specific career path.

  • StrengthsFinder – This assessment is built in as an intentional part of every student’s first few weeks at Trinity through the Thrive or FDN 111 curriculum. Reviewing your Top 5 Signature Themes (Strengths) helps provide insights on how to fully engage in your work as students, professionals, and community members.
  • PathwayU – This assessment addresses an individual’s personality, values, interests, and workplace preferences and then provides an interactive “career match” feature based on your results, and is available to Trinity students (both prospective and current) and alumni. If you are interested in taking this assessment, please contact our office for access instructions. If you have already taken it and would like to talk through your results with one of our staff members, please email us to set up an appointment!

Interview Preparation

We tailor a mock interview process to help you prepare for a specific job opportunity or experience that you would like to practice for, and can also talk informally about how to prepare for all aspects of an in person, phone, or video interview.

Job Search & Professional Skills

Schedule a time with us to talk about all aspects of the job search process, including how and where to search, developing networking skills, interview attire, how to navigate a career fair, and how to adjust your résumé when changing career paths.

Vocation & Career Programming

Throughout the year we partner to support a number of events on campus that address vocation, career, and advising related topics!

Have Questions?
Get in Touch.

The Cooper Center for Vocation and Career Development

Monday – Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm
*Additional times available by appointment

Jennie Huizenga Memorial Library
Trinity Christian College
6601 W. College Drive
Palos Heights, IL 60463