Update from President Kurt Dykstra, February 26, 2021

Dear Trinity Community:

I email you at the end of this week with very important information that impacts our life together and your Trinity Experience.  Please carefully read what follows below.

After living in a COVID world for a year, all of us want to get back to “normal” as quickly as we can.  I am thrilled with our success in dialing up our on-campus, in-person experiences this semester.

We want to keep moving in this direction into the future – and today we are announcing an important additional step that helps us keep moving toward a future that is stronger, more “normal,” and more safely in-person:.

Starting Monday, Trinity  will be conducting free COVID testing on campus for students, faculty and staff.

This is an important component of our COVID Response Plan for Spring 2021, as we continue to enhance and increase in-person events and look toward an in-person commencement ceremony in May.

We are partnering with Abbott Labs, a world-leading diagnostic company, to provide Trinity with highly accurate, very reputable, and rapid result COVID tests.  We have been working on this for months and are thrilled to have Abbott as the supplier of our rapid COVID tests.  This is a Trinity-based initiative, staffed by our excellent Campus Health Coordinators.

Here’s what you need to know about testing:

WHO does this effect:      Students first, and, eventually, faculty and staff.  Yes, all of us.

WHY are we doing this:   The short answer is that rapid testing allows us to respond to COVID more quickly.  The more complete answer is that, because we want to eventually return to “normal” even if COVID is not entirely vanquished, we need to have readily available testing as yet another available arrow in our quiver.  Testing moves us further in the direction of being back together as our Trinity Community earnestly desires to be together.

WHAT is my part in all of this:  Beginning today, every week various members of the Trinity community will be notified that they are required to be tested for free in our on-campus testing facility.  The Abbott BinaxNOW rapid antigen test is highly reputable, easy (a self-initiated nasal swab in each nostril), with quick results.  It is quick and easy for members of our community to take the test – and quick and easy to get the test results.

WHEN do you need to get tested:  Starting initially with students, if you receive a Trinity Testing Notification email from COVIDTesting@trnty.edu, you are required to follow the instructions and get tested.  Students may be randomly selected or they may be selected based on recent travel or activity, potential exposure, or participation with a campus team or group. Please attempt to sign up for a time that does not fall during class. If you must sign up during class, we ask that you get permission from your professor to test. Questions should be directed to COVIDTesting@trnty.edu

WHERE do I do this:  Testing will be done at the 6555 Building on the far North Side of campus (right at the main entrance to campus from College Drive/Route 83).  Students should come at their appointed time, and follow signage directions. The test itself only takes a couple of minutes.

WHEN do I get results from the test: Students will receive an email from COVIDTesting@trnty.edu with their results, usually within the same day that they are tested.  If the test result is positive, a member of the COVID Care team will reach out to the student within 24 hours. Students are expected to follow all guidance from the COVID Care team and participate fully in contact tracing following a COVID+ result.

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All of us have experienced inconveniences from COVID.  Many of us have had COVID and know how this virus can really disrupt the lives of our families, our friends, and this campus.  Adding this additional layer of protection, is a welcome and exciting part of our being In It Together – this semester, and beyond.

Look for additional information in short order about our new campus COVID testing system.

Thanks for reading – and for doing your part to keep us safe and together.

Romans 12:12,

Kurt D. Dykstra, President

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