Living the suite life

Returning Student Housing

Housing Process Timeline


Yellow track is for Tibstra & Alumni 6-Person Suites. 

Blue track is for Alumni 3-Person & 4-Person Suites.

Mon, March 10

All Alumni and Tibstra Suites Housing App Opens

Mon, March 10

All Housing Form Help @ All Desks

Wed, March 19

Tibstra & Alumni 6-Person Suites Housing App Closes

Fri, March 21

Tibstra & Alumni 6-Person Suites Room Draw Number Notification

Mon, March 24  |  6 pm – 8 pm

Tibstra & Alumni 6-Person Suite Room Draw
*Specific appointment time sent in notification email on April 5

Wed, April 2

Alumni 3-Person and 4-Person Suites Housing App Closes

Fri, April 4

Alumni 3-Person and 4-Person Suites Room Draw Number Notification

Mon, April 7  |  6 pm – 8 pm

Alumni 3-Person and 4-Person Suites Room Draw
*Specific appointment time sent in notification email on April 14th

Wed, April 9

Finalized Housing

Completing the Form icon

Completing the Form

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Tips & Tricks
for Rooming

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Process Overview

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I Am Looking for
a Roommate!

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Alumni & Tibstra Suite
(Virtual Tours)

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about how the Room Draw Process works?   Read our FAQ to learn.

Rising sophomores, juniors, seniors and fifth-year students will have the opportunity to select their own suites for the 2024-2025 academic year. Every student in each rooming group will have to submit a housing application and indicate their housing preference (i.e., Tibstra or Alumni). Students will have the ability to select a specific suite in their assigned suite during an in-person room draw. The room draw number you will be assigned (see below for process) will give you your order in the que for selecting a room (i.e., – a group that goes before you may select your top room, meaning that you need to select a different preference).

Each group will be given a room draw number and appointment time. This room draw number will be based on the following criteria: Suites that are full (all beds in the suite are claimed) and the total number of academic credits of all students in the group. For example, if Group A has 5 residents that apply for Tibstra with 240 credits and Group B has 4 residents that apply for Tibstra with 260 credits, Group A will be given the first room draw number. However, if Group C has 5 residents that apply for Tibstra with 260 credits, the rankings will go, Group C, Group A then Group B.

Room draw number and appointment time notifications will occur on Friday, April 5th for Tibstra and six-person Alumni Suites and Wednesday, April 17th for three-person and fourperson Alumni suites.

At least one representative of each rooming group must be present during their assigned room draw time slot (if all students in the group have academic conflicts, they should notify the Area Director as soon as possible). If a rooming group misses their appointment time, they will not have an opportunity to select their own suite, and a suite will be assigned to them.

Note: Some suites may not be available due to student leadership and accommodations placement. The Area Directors reserve the right to take any suite.

Housing applications open on Monday March 11th for all Tibstra and Alumni Hall suites.

Applications for Tibstra and six-person Alumni suites close on Thursday, April 4th at 11:59PM (CST). The in-person room draw will occur on Monday, April 8th between 6-8pm.

Housing applications for three-person and four-person suites in Alumni Hall close on Monday, April 15th at 11:59PM (CST). The in-person room draw will occur on Thursday, April 18th between 6-8PM.

Note: that priority is given to students/groups of students with housing accommodation. If you think you qualify for a housing accommodation, click on the Accommodation Process Overview section of this page.

ResLife and Financial Aid Key Contacts