
As we head into the weekend, I want to share some very important information from the COVID Care Team and the Campus Health Coordinators.* This email is for students in all programs who come to campus.

  • Self-screen your symptoms each and every day you intend to be on campus, internship, campus-related activity
  • Complete your #CampusClear app honestly (and read the buttons that have become routine now), and if you red screen, complete a red form and stay home or in your room away from others
  • Pay attention to your body
  • Log ANY symptoms you experience
  • Resist the temptation to self-diagnose COVID or not COVID

If you “red screen and red form,” the COVID care team will reach out and help you figure out your next steps. They will clear you to return to class when the time is right. They will provide support. They have the best interests of our students and our community in mind as they serve. Please answer/return their calls and follow their instructions.

If you miss in-person class due to illness, your professors have the right to ask you for your clearance email to return from COVID Care. Many students who ended up not having COVID, but having another illness have gone through this process. And, many students who thought they had “just a cold” but ended up with COVID have gone through this process. COVID Care can handle both of those situations! If you have any symptoms, enter the process and you’ll get the support you need. And, with your help, COVID Care will be able to connect the dots more quickly if COVID is starting to spread on campus. Our actions in the COVID process directly impact ourselves and our community.

We are grateful to God for sustaining us this first full month of the semester! Three months to go (and here’s hoping for a warmer three months ahead)! Let’s continue to work together to keep one another healthy, connected and flourishing.

VP Starkenburg

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Greetings, Trinity community,

This is a weekly update from academic affairs and student life, intended to give a snapshot of campus operations related to student activity in the coming week.

Campus Activity Status
In-person classes Student course modalities are now basically stable, with approximately 55% of our students are opting for in-person learning.

  • +/- 60% of traditional undergraduates are opting for in-person
  • +/- 20% of adult undergraduates are opting for in-person
  • +/- 20% of graduate students are opting for in-person


Residence halls Residence hall access is currently limited to a student’s own hall and own room (no visitation). We have no students in quarantine at this time. Up to date information on COVID cases is available on


Dining hall & Eating areas The dining hall is open for limited in person dining and grab and go. The BBC is also open for limited in person dining and grab and go.

Faculty and staff will not be permitted to use the dining hall at this time.

Additional eating areas are marked in the Molenhouse Student Center, West Lobby of Ozinga, North Side 2nd Floor, ArCC. Commuters and faculty and staff may eat in these marked areas, while maintaining social distance.

Athletics & Recreation Now that the semester is underway, access to the DeVos Athletics Complex is limited to student athletes, athletics staff, and faculty/students who have class in that facility. Exception: students/faculty/staff may access the fitness center for limited use – hours published online. All games are live streamed at Schedules are constantly shifting; student athletes should be communicating with their faculty.
Campus gatherings We are in Region 10, now in Phase 4 for COVID-19, however, Cook County has some mitigations in effect. At Trinity, classroom, athletics, and in-person chapel gatherings in addition to planned, supervised gatherings in the Ozinga Chapel Auditorium and Grand Lobby – are limited to 50 people. Other rooms are limited by size to numbers smaller than that.
Other notes The cold forecast ahead will make is more difficult for any sort of outdoor activity for our campus community. This can add to the sense of COVID-related isolation for our students. Please actively look for ways that you can encourage and connect with students and with one another in these cold winter months. The days are lengthening, spring will come, and together we will continue to support one another through this semester!


May God continue to bless each member of this campus community in the work of the semester. With so many people working so creatively, so hard, and doing so many new things, let’s look for opportunities for gratitude and encouragement!

With gratitude,

Becky Starkenburg, Vice President for Student Life
Aaron Kuecker, Provost

Greetings, Trinity community,

This is a weekly update from academic affairs and student life, intended to give a snapshot of campus operations related to student activity in the coming week.

As we enter this coming week, let’s continue to look for ways that we can remind one another that our attention to the Covenant of Care is a means of showing love for our neighbors. Our commitments tend to our well-being and to the well-being of others. Let’s lean into the opportunity that we have to exercise tangible care for the good of those in our community through our own practices.

Campus Activity Status
In-person classes Today marks the end of the ADD/DROP window for Traditional Undergraduate courses. This is also the final day that students can change their option for remote or in-person learning. By Monday, student options will be solidified for the semester, with the obvious exceptions of temporary changes related to stay-put, quarantine, or isolation.


There has been some shifting in remote vs. in-person options over the course of the week, though the overall ratios have remained fairly consistent. Approximately 55% of our students are opting for in-person learning.

  • +/- 60% of traditional undergraduates are opting for in-person
  • +/- 20% of adult undergraduates are opting for in-person
  • +/- 20% of graduate students are opting for in-person


Residence halls Residence hall students are now moved in, with some limited exceptions of students who tested COVID+ during their re-entry testing. Faculty have been informed of those students, who are accessing classes remotely until they are able to be cleared to return. Residence hall access is currently limited to a student’s own hall and own room (no visitation). We do have a number of students in quarantine. Up to date information on COVID cases is available on


Dining hall & Eating areas The dining hall is open for limited in person dining and grab and go. The BBC is also open for limited in person dining and grab and go.

Faculty and staff will not be permitted to use the dining hall at this time.

Students have been notified of several designated eating areas on campus, including: Molenhouse Student Center, West Lobby of Ozinga, North Side 2nd Floor ArCC. Commuters may eat in these marked areas, while maintaining social distance.

Athletics & Recreation Now that the semester is underway, access to the DeVos Athletics Complex is limited to student athletes, athletics staff, and faculty/students who have class in that facility. Exception: students/faculty/staff may access the fitness center for limited use – hours published online. All games are live streamed at Schedules are constantly shifting; student athletes should be communicating with their faculty.
Campus gatherings We are in Region 10, now in Tier 1 mitigation for COVID-19. At Trinity, classroom, athletics, and in-person chapel gatherings – each of which are supported by rigorous testing protocols or rooms set for physical distancing – are limited to 50 people. All other campus gatherings are limited to 25 people. Kudos to STAC and Students Engaged for developing creative small scale programming for students.
Other notes Students are being reminded that their options for in-person or remote designate the means by which they must participate in their classes, save for the exception of in-person students who experience stay-put, quarantine, or isolation. In other words, students who designate in-person cannot, day-by-day, select remote learning for reasons merely related to daily preference or convenience. Please feel free to continue to reinforce this to students.

It has been gratifying to see the community make its way into something of an early semester rhythm. Thank you for the tremendous creativity, flexibility, and communication these past few weeks. These virtues will be significant for our community as we continue to fine tune our shared work

With gratitude,

Becky Starkenburg, Vice President for Student Life
Aaron Kuecker, Provost

Greetings, Trinity community,

This is a weekly update from academic affairs and student life, intended to give a snapshot of campus operations related to student activity in the coming week.

Campus Activity Status
In-person classes All in-person, hybrid, and online courses are now in session.

Approximately 55% of our students are opting for in-person learning.

  • +/- 60% of traditional undergraduates are opting for in-person
  • +/- 18% of adult undergraduates are opting for in-person
  • +/- 18% of graduate students are opting for in-person


Residence halls Residence hall students are now moved in, with some limited exceptions of students who tested COVID+ during their re-entry testing. Faculty have been informed of those students, who are accessing classes remotely until they are able to be cleared to return. Residence hall access is currently limited to a student’s own hall and own room (no visitation).


Dining hall & Eating areas The dining hall is open for limited in person dining and grab and go. The BBC is also open for limited in person dining and grab and go.

Faculty and staff will not be permitted to use the dining hall at this time.

Students will be notified today of several designated eating areas on campus to include: Molenhouse Student Center, West Lobby of Ozinga, North Side 2nd Floor ArCC. Commuters may eat in these marked areas, while maintaining social distance.

Athletics & Recreation Now that the semester is underway, access to the DeVos Athletics Complex is limited to student athletes, athletics staff, and faculty/students who have class in that facility. Exception: students/faculty/staff may access the fitness center for limited use – hours published online. All games are live streamed at
Campus gatherings We are in Region 10, now in Tier 2 mitigation for COVID-19. At Trinity, classroom, athletics, and in-person chapel gatherings – each of which are supported by rigorous testing protocols or rooms set for physical distancing – are limited to 50 people. All other campus gatherings are limited to 25 people. Kudos to STAC and Students Engaged for developing creative small scale programming for students.
Other notes It is important that each member of the campus community feel empowered to ask any other member of the community to comply with COVID safety protocols as per the requirements of the Covenant of Care. We have experienced a very high degree of compliance in our first weeks of the semester. We should all feel empowered to call one another to ongoing community well-being through compliance to our Covenant of Care.


It has been exciting to step into these early weeks of the semester and to see so many people working together and with such flexibility as we have had opportunity to fine tune some of our practices and processes. Thank you to the entire community for the spirit with which you have approached the launch of this semester!

With gratitude for the shared work,

Becky Starkenburg, Vice President for Student Life
Aaron Kuecker, Provost

Good morning!

This message is for individuals using #CampusClear to access campus, and it contains important information about some recent changes to the app.

#CampusClear just updated the app in such a way that you can’t change your self-screen results on the same day.

  • if you mess up on a particular day, hit the wrong buttons and ACCIDENTALLY get a red screen, you can’t log out and back in until the next day.
  • if you develop symptoms and need to red screen later in the day, you can’t go back and change your green screen to red until the next day.

Here’s what you do if you mess up and accidentally get a red screen: Email and they’ll send a green screen email. If you need to access a facility or practice or game that requires a screen, you’ll have to let the screener know what happened and show them the email. Since the email is manual and not automatic, there may be some lag time and you may have to explain the situation to the person screening you until that green screen email comes your way. They may ask to take your temperature or screen you there, depending on the situation*

*For those individuals screening others – please keep in mind there may be a very occasional mistake: plan accordingly.*

Here’s what you do if you develop symptoms over the day and need to go from green to red: just stay home/in your room and red screen the next morning. Residential students will be getting a special resource list this week re: how to access meals, etc.

The attached instructions spell it all out in picture form! – save this email so you can look back if either of these things happen to you.

The basic summary is still the same: be honest in your self-screening and stay home if you have exposure or symptoms. Thanks and have a great day!

Updates on campus status available here:

VP Starkenburg

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Welcome back!  Our goal for this semester is to get to May 8, and host an on campus commencement for our graduating students. Wouldn’t that be an amazing gift? To do this, we’re all going to have to make some choices for the good of the community for 16 short weeks. We have very little margin for error this spring, so please take these guidelines seriously. Thank you.

Who can be in close contact on campus? Students who live together are considered “family units” that can have close contact in public spaces on campus. This applies to roommates/suitemates/housemates. Athletics teams are not family units, however athletic teams are permitted to have close contact during scheduled team/sport activity. Family units may have close contact in public spaces, but not in classrooms. All people must social distance and wear face coverings at all times in classrooms.

Where can I eat? Certain areas of campus are identified as Designated Eating Areas – these are the only areas on campus you may eat. In classrooms and other public spaces, you may remove your mask quickly to take a drink. Stay hydrated!  Designated eating areas include: Molenhouse Student Center, West Lobby of Ozinga Chapel, North Side 2nd Floor ArCC, BBC, Dining Hall. Students may also eat in their residence hall room or outdoors. Staff/faculty may eat in their offices.

Remote Students If you are not accessing campus please do not use #CampusClear. If you find you are ill, please communicate with your professors and reach out to if you need further assistance.

Self-Screen every day you are on campus.  Please download #CampusClear and honestly self-screen every day. Do not leave your residence hall room or come to campus if you get a red screen. Then, Push hard on the “Red Screen Form” words on the Red Screen, fill out the linked form, and await COVID Care’s email response within the calendar day to provide you with next steps.

Wear your Student ID at all times. With masks on, this will help us to identify who is permitted to be on campus.

Wear your face covering in all buildings, and when you cannot maintain 6 ft distance outdoors. Exceptions: your own enclosed residence hall suite or on campus office. A person who is alone in an enclosed space may choose to remove his/her mask while alone in that enclosed space if s/he so chooses; however, if the space is not enclosed, or if another individual is present, a mask must be worn.

Please leave room set ups and signage as they are. All public spaces and classrooms on campus have been carefully arranged to provide for physical distancing and safe interaction. Please do not remove seating markers or alter room arrangements. If for some reason you must move something in a room, please return it at the end of your course or event. This is essential for our well-being.

Think Small! Group gatherings outside of class and scheduled sport/team activity are limited to 25 persons max. Please limit your group gatherings both ON and OFF campus.

I’m confident we have the ability to do these things together. I’m so honored to be part of the Trinity community. God is with us.

Take care and be well,

VP Starkenburg

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Dear Trinity Trolls,

You may have heard of #CampusClear, the symptom screening tool that we’re using for all students, faculty, and staff who plan to access campus at any point. Here’s a quick video showing you how to use it, along with some helpful information to get started for the semester. Access the 2 minute video here.

Also, did you know that we have a daily dashboard, where we closely monitor our COVID positive cases? Below the dashboard, you’ll also find lots of answers to your questions. Just scroll down the Student FAQs.


Dr. Griswold
COVID Care Team member

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Do not forget to honestly self-screen every day using #CampusClear. Do not come to campus or leave your res hall room if you receive a red screen.

More COVID info available at:      

  1. The Spring In It Together Plan – guidelines for SP2021
  2. A comprehensive list of FAQs regarding spring – covering a wide range of campus life, both in person and remote.

Complete forms on Student Portal: To receive emergency text alerts, go to your Student Portal (see the tab in the upper right on Trollweb) and complete ALL student life forms,  including these new forms:

  • New Covenant of Care for SP2021 (also located on In It Together Spring webpages)
  • New Residence Life Guidelines for SP2021 (for housing students only – available in portal and emailed to students with housing assignment)
  • Same Assumption of Risk for SP2021 (on portal)

Community Expectations:

How to get your ID Card:

  • Please wear your ID at all times. If you do not have a current ID card, please stop by the IT HelpDesk in the Library to receive your ID card. Do not bend or punch a hole in your ID card as this will make the card unusable. A replacement card will cost $20.00.

Student Health Insurance:

  • All individuals living legally in the US are required to carry health insurance (this is federal law and Trinity college policy). If you do not have health insurance, I highly encourage you to check out this option, and to share this information with your parent/guardian/family as this option may be more affordable for you than your current coverage through your family’s plan. Plan information at:

  • You should also know that if you participate in this coverage, Trinity is receiving no information about your health care/insurance; we are simply making this portal available for the health and safety of our students. Any information you share with this portal does not get reported to us, nor do we receive any payment of any kind. Further, we are not involved in any way in managing the health insurance or the kind of coverage.

Immunization Records:

  • If you are a NEW student this semester, please be sure to submit your immunization records to Student Life. Full instructions are available here.

Parking and Vehicle Registration:

  • Parking policies are in force at this time. You must register any vehicle that you plan to park on campus, even though we have lifted the parking pass fee for all students for this year. This process must be completed ASAP, click here.
  • Appeal parking tickets here.

Crime Prevention:

  • Find more detailed information about crime prevention at the Department of Campus Safety and Security here.

Peace be with you,
VP Starkenburg

Back to For Students section

Greetings, Trinity community,

This weekly update from academic affairs and student life is intended to give a snapshot of campus operations related to student activity in the coming week.

We specifically call your attention to several important clarifying points about COVID processes that are essential for the well-being of the campus community:

  • All public spaces and classrooms on campus have been carefully arranged to provide for physical distancing and safe interaction. Please do not remove seating markers or alter room arrangements. If for some reason you must move something in a room, please return it at the end of your course or event. This is essential for our well-being.
  • Students who live together are considered “family units” that can have close contact in public spaces on campus. This applies to roommates/suitemates/housemates. Athletics teams are not family units, however athletic teams are permitted to have close contact during scheduled team/sport activity. Family units may have close contact in public spaces, but not in classrooms. All people must social distance and wear face coverings at all times in classrooms.
  • Trinity’s updated In It Together Plan and other significant COVID-related policies and practices can be found at Please take time to familiarize yourself with these materials.


Campus Activity Status
In-person classes Beginning with Monday evening classes, spring semester in-person, hybrid, and remote courses will be in full swing.

Approximately 75% of our courses are hybrid or in-person.

Approximately 65% of our students are opting for in-person learning.

Our campus commitment is to enfold all students, whether learning remotely or in person.

Residence halls Currently, 50% of our 300 residential students are moved in. By January 16, residential move in will be complete. Today and tomorrow residential students will check in by appointment at the ArCC, receive their keys, and proceed to their residence hall to move in. Please help us direct students in this way.


Dining hall & Eating areas The dining hall opened today at lunch for students. Grab and go options are available as well as limited in person options.

Faculty and staff will not be permitted to use the dining hall at this time.

Students will be notified today of several designated eating areas on campus to include: Molenhouse Student Center, West Lobby of Ozinga, North Side 2nd Floor ArCC. If commuters need places to eat – they can eat in these marked areas, while maintaining social distance.

Athletics Now that the semester is underway, access to the DeVos Athletics Complex is limited to student athletes, athletics staff, and faculty/students who have class in that facility. All games are live streamed at
Campus gatherings Illinois remains in Tier 3 mitigation for COVID-19. Classroom, athletics, and in-person chapel gatherings – each of which are supported by rigorous testing protocols or rooms set for physical distancing – are limited to 50 people. All other campus gatherings are limited to 25 people.
Other notes Transfer orientation sessions took place today at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Please offer a word of welcome to transfer students as you see them and to students moving into the residence halls.

For much of next week, we are inviting all faculty and staff to be a part of this welcoming effort by standing at the entrances to significant buildings on campus to both greet our students and check for greenscreens.  We have set up a “Sign Up Genius” from which you can select an entrance, time, and date (feel free to sign up for multiple timeslots and dates).

We are eager and ready to welcome the breadth of our student body to our Christian learning community, whether they are on campus or learning remotely! Let us continue to work together to bring each student into an environment in which they can grow in wisdom and skill while being nurtured and enfolded into Trinity’s community.

With gratitude for the shared work,

Becky Starkenburg
Aaron Kuecker

Dear faculty and staff,

As we embark on a new spring semester, and many of you will be returning to work on campus,  there are a few items we would like to present to you in this email. We will continue to bring information to you as we focus on providing  a safe and healthy work environment.

Travel Quarantine – if you have travelled out of state, you will have to quarantine for 10 days upon returning home or get a negative COVID test within three days of your return before receiving clearance to return to campus.  If you decide to get tested, please submit your tests results by clicking the link below.

Covenant of Care – Please remember to read and acknowledge the 2021 Covenant of Care in UltiPro (UKG). You can find it under tabs Myself>Documents>Document Acknowledgment>Click on the link.

Many of you are wondering about the COVID vaccine and it’s availability. As soon as we are clear on when vaccines are available for staff and faculty, we will let you know.  Listed below is a link from Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) for those of you who would like more information regarding the vaccine.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Julia Foust

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